
apply_patch(document, patch)

A shortcut to apply a patch given as an Array or as a JSON String (see the JSONPatch RFC 6902 for the patch format) to a document. Will not mutate the original document, however the new document may share some structure with the original.

  • document - The document to operate against. May be mutated.
  • patch - The patch document as a JS Array of operations or as a JSON String representing the same (the latter requires JSON support in your browser or the inclusion of the JSON2 library or similar)


mydoc = {
  "baz": "qux",
  "foo": "bar"
thepatch = [
  { "op": "replace", "path": "/baz", "value": "boo" }
patcheddoc = jsonpatch.apply_patch(mydoc, thepatch);
// patcheddoc now equals {"baz": "boo", "foo": "bar"}}


  • InvalidPatch if the patch is invalid
  • PatchApplyError if the patch could not apply against the given document

JSONPatch class

A JSONPatch object represents a compiled patch. The constructor takes a single argument giving the patch as an Array or as a String.

  • patch - The patch document as a JS Array of operations or as a JSON String representing the same (the latter requires JSON support in your browser or the inclusion of the JSON2 library or similar)


mypatch = new JSONPatch([{ "op": "replace", "path": "/baz", "value": "boo" }]);


  • InvalidPatch if the patch is invalid


Applies the patch to the given document and returns the result. Will not mutate the original document, however the new document may share some structure with the original.

  • document - The document to operate against.


patched = mypatch.apply(mydoc);

Returns the patched document.


  • PatchApplyError if the patch could not apply against the given document

JSONPointer class

Represents a pointer into a Javascript object. The constructor takes a single string argument giving the pointer (see the JSONPointer RFC for the pointer format).

mypointer = new JSONPointer('/foo/baz/bar');

add(document, value)

Takes a JSON document and a value and adds the value into the doc at the position pointed to. If the position pointed to is in an array then the existing element at that position (if any) and all that follow it have there position incremented to make room. It is an error to add to a parent object that doesn’t exist or to try to replace an existing value in an object.

  • document - The document to operate against.
  • value - The value to insert at the position pointed to


var doc = new JSONPointer("/obj/new").add({obj:   {old:"hello"}},"world");
// doc now equals {obj: {old: "hello", new: "world"}}

Returns the updated doc.


Takes a JSON document and removes the value pointed to. It is an error to attempt to remove a value that doesn’t exist.

  • document - The document to operate against.


var doc = new JSONPointer("/obj/old").remove({obj: {old: "string"}});
// doc now equals {obj: {}}

Returns the updated doc

replace(document, value)

Takes a JSON document and removes the value pointed to. It is an error to attempt to remove a value that doesn’t exist.

  • document - The document to operate against.
  • value - The value to replace at the position pointed to


var doc = new JSONPointer("/obj/bar).replace({obj: {bar: "old"}}, "new");
// doc now equals {obj: {old: "new"}}

Returns the updated doc


Returns the value pointed to by the pointer in the given doc.

  • document - The document to operate against.


var value = new JSONPointer("/obj/value").get({obj: {value: "hello"}});
// value now equals 'hello'

Returns the value

InvalidPatch class

Error thrown when an invalid patch is passed in.

PatchApplyError class

Error thrown when a patch can not be applied against a given document.

The hole and the patch should be commensurate.
Thomas Jefferson