A shortcut to apply a patch given as an Array or as a JSON String (see the JSONPatch RFC 6902 for the patch format) to a document. Will not mutate the original document, however the new document may share some structure with the original.
- document - The document to operate against. May be mutated.
- patch - The patch document as a JS Array of operations or as a JSON String representing the same (the latter requires JSON support in your browser or the inclusion of the JSON2 library or similar)
mydoc = {
"baz": "qux",
"foo": "bar"
thepatch = [
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/baz", "value": "boo" }
patcheddoc = jsonpatch.apply_patch(mydoc, thepatch);
// patcheddoc now equals {"baz": "boo", "foo": "bar"}}
- InvalidPatch if the patch is invalid
- PatchApplyError if the patch could not apply against the given document